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About Us

In 2009, Marion Hausner, founder of La Peruca, was diagnosed with cancer and subsequently had to go through the difficult path of operations and chemotherapy, as so many people have to do. When she experienced hair loss, one thing was clear to her:

She wanted to make her "hairless" time as bearable as possible and decided to wear a wig. As is common practice, she was given a prescription for the "first" wig.

Maybe this sounds familiar to you?

A woman is about to lose her hair and in this emotionally exceptional situation she is now asked to choose a suitable wig. This is not an easy task. Marion chose a wig that was very similar to her previous hairstyle.

The first problem was that she simply wasn't offered a large selection at her first point of contact. "We'll adjust them," "we'll cut them," were the words of her hairdresser. She didn't like the model or the color, but in this situation she thought she had no other choice. Buying online as an alternative wasn't an option for her at the time:

Who should advise her? How does she find the right wig? Does the wig fit on her head? So she had her first wig, but she wasn't really happy with it, so she started looking for alternatives.

This is where the idea for the shop began.

There were plenty of wigs on offer. Several premium manufacturers from Germany and the USA offer an almost unmanageable variety of wigs. A multitude of different colors, different fits, a wide variety of materials - everything a "wig lover's heart" could desire.

Due to this variety, there is a suitable model for almost every wig wearer, without any further adjustment or cutting being necessary.

The trick is to provide advice to the customer in their search for the right wig. This can be done through the shop itself, by phone or using modern means of communication such as WhatsApp, sending pictures by email, etc.

The advantage for the customer is that he can try on and select the selected wigs in the privacy of his own home - and all without risk, as a right of return is of course available.

In addition, the shop takes over the complete processing with the statutory health insurance providers.

Put your trust in the company and you will be rewarded. The shop is not just trying to sell a product - the customer and their problems and wishes are the focus of the business.

Of course, the shop is not only aimed at chemotherapy patients, but also at women with alopecia, alopecia areata and any medical diagnosis that results in hair loss. And of course also at anyone who simply enjoys the transformation or is fed up with "bad hair days".

After more than 13 years, Marion Hausner is now enjoying her well-deserved retirement and has handed over the company to a new team in Berlin as part of a retirement succession.

In Berlin, too, we now try to continue Marion Hausner’s previous customer-oriented service every day.