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Article: Care tips for moldable/heat-resistant synthetic hair

Pflegetipps für formbares/hitzebeständiges Kunsthaar

Care tips for moldable/heat-resistant synthetic hair

Please make sure to follow the instructions provided by the respective manufacturer!

  • Comb the hair gently but carefully with a wide-toothed comb.
  • Fill the sink with cold water and add a capful of Jon Renau Synthetic Wig Shampoo to the wig.
  • Wash the wig carefully (do not rub or scrub), but rather swirl it back and forth in the water.
  • Rinse hair thoroughly with cold water and shake off excess water.
  • Thoroughly dry the entire wig with a towel, apply Jon Renau Conditioning Spray to the hair and comb through with a wide-toothed comb.
  • The wig looks best when it is air dried, but you can also blow dry the wig and style it with the wide-toothed comb.
  • We recommend spraying the wig with Jon Renau's HD Smooth Detangler in the evening after wearing it and combing it through with a wide-toothed comb.
  • To prevent premature matting, long-haired wigs should be combed with a hot air brush after wearing. This is especially recommended for medium-length and long HD wigs to prevent matting.
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