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Article: monofilament and wefted

Monofilament und Tresse

monofilament and wefted

Monofilament and braid *****

The entire top of the head is covered with monofilament - a fabric that is invisible on the skin - onto which the hair is carefully knotted by hand. The rest of this wig consists largely of a braided structure, in which the hair is machine-sewn onto fine cotton ribbons. The braid adapts very well to the shape of the head and has very good air circulation. In the easily visible area of the top of the head, the hand-knotted monofilament ensures a particularly natural look.


human hair

Wigs made from 100% human hair last longer than synthetic hair when properly cared for. Human hair wigs can be restyled, dyed and curled. However, it is much more expensive than synthetic hair and...

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Lace front / Filmansatz

lace front / film approach

lace front Here, the hair in the forehead and bangs area is carefully hand-worked into a narrow, jagged base. This gives the bangs a naturally grown appearance and allows for a variety of styles.

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