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Article: mono-vortex



Partial monofilament - mono swivel **

With this type of wig, the area of the cowlick is covered with monofilament - a skin-like fabric - onto which each hair is carefully hand-knotted. This makes the wig look particularly natural, especially in the easily visible area, as it looks as if the wig hairs are coming directly from your own scalp, just like a normal hairstyle.


weft wig

braid The hair is machine sewn onto wefts, which in turn are attached to fine cotton bands in a slatted manner. The weft adapts well to the shape of the head, has body and volume at the roots, is ...

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Perücke aus Echthaar - Synthetik - hitzebeständigem Kunsthaar?

Wig made of human hair - synthetic - heat-resistant synthetic hair?

You want to buy a wig but can't decide between real hair, synthetic and heat-resistant synthetic hair? The advantages and disadvantages listed here will give you the necessary overview. huma...

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